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East Javanese Culinary

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

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timurOnline - In the area of East Java are so many types of diverse culinary every city in East Java has a cuisine with spices Typically diverse. So the East Java area suitable culinary tours. Below I try to introduce some recipes masakkan East Java.

- Rawon | Rawon
- Rawon Buntut | Tail Rawon
- Bakso Malang | Malang Meatballs
- Bakwan Surabaya | Surabaya Bakwan
- Lontong Balap | Lontong Racing
- Tahu Lontong | Tahu Lontong
- Tahu Campur Surabaya | Mix Tahu Surabaya
- Tahu Tek | Tek Tahu
- Nasi Krawu | Cooked Rice Krawu
- Gado Gado | Gado - Gado
- Sate Daging Kelapa | Coconut Meat Sate
- Soto Madura | Madura Soto
- Soto Ayam Ambengan | Ambengan Chicken Soto
- Rujak Cingur Surabaya | Surabaya Rojak Cingur
- Sate Ayam Madura | Sate Chicken Madura
- Soto Lamongan | Lamongan Soto
- Soto Kediri | Kediri Soto
- Tahu Petis Surabaya | Surabaya Tahu Petis
- Pecel Madiun | Madiun Pecel
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