Sign the second half, coach Rahmat Darmawan include six new players in his team. It is the sixth player, goalkeeper Thomas Bayu Fery, Abdurrahman, Kim Kurniawan, Patrick Wanggai, Ramdhani Lestaluhu and midfielder Mahadirga Lasut. While the camp Bali Devata, they inserted two new players, Asep and Nyoman Tri Wahono Armawan.
Changes in the composition of a player slightly affect the pattern of the game foster children Rahmat Darmawan. The presence of Kim Kurniawan and Mahadirga create more vibrant national team midfield. As far as 15 minutes early second-half run, the game excels above Indonesia Petar Segrt farm team.
Special credit should be given to two newly naturalized players, Diego and Ruben Wuarbanaran Michiels. Until the beginning of the second half, they played quite well. Both players are finally drawn the 65th minute and was replaced Hashim Kipuw and Joko Sasongko.
Rahmad also know less toothed front lines. He also put Yongki Aribowo to replace the barren Jajang Mulyana for playing 65 minutes. The results were very positive, Indonesia widens the position to 3-1 with a goal after the use of bait Ramdhani Lestaluhu Yongki the 71st minute.
Very striking difference in the appearance of U-23 national team in the second half with a player who fell in the first half ago. Indonesia aggressive in the attack. They also dare to fight with players Devata Bali which is famous for the rigors of the game.
Entering the final match, Indonesia scored again four. This time shift Yongki which listed his name on the scoreboard. Receive horizontal feed Ramdhani, flick Yongki not dammed substitute goalkeeper, Yoga Eka Putra.
At the end of the match, Bali reduce the score to 4-2 through a penalty Illia Spasojevic.
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