Besides Agung, was present and joined the first stone laid in a row is a nanny Ponpes Tebuireng KH Salahuddin Wahid (Gus Solah), daughter of Gus Dur, Zannuba Arifah Chafsoh (Yenny Wahid), and ends Regent Suyanto Jombang.
On that occasion, Agungtells the construction process of the tomb of former president of Indonesia. According to him, a year ago, President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) returned from overseas. After that he called the president.
SBY asks that Gus Dur's tomb was renovated. "I then contacted family of Gus Dur, namely KH Salahuddin Wahid and Yenni Wahid. Both he agreed, "added the Agung. However, there are special requests from families. They asked that the tomb was not built in excess. His reason, in the tradition of NU, not allowed. Finally agreed upon, which was built around an optimal environment only, not the grave.
"So, eat Gus Dur, keep it simple," added Gus Solah. Meanwhile, Yenny Wahid said, his arrival is sure tomb Gus Dur is not tampered. "That's demand and the family domain," said the politician's wife Gerindra Dhohir this Pharisee. Large families hope, not to change the physical grandeur of the tomb of Gus Dur's simplicity, because it will surely damage the image of Gus Dur known simple and populist.
The plan, Gus Dur's tomb area located on an area of 6.7 hectares and cost Rp 200 billion. Will be built, parking two wheels, four wheels and the buses of pilgrims, Monument At Tawheed, and information center.
For added convenience, the region is about to religious tourism as well equipped museum plaza, children's play area / play ground, the area of street vendors, as well as public toilets and other utility buildings. "It is 4.6 hectares of land released for regional governments," said Agus Indiarto, Head of Public Works Administration Building Settlements and Spatial East Java Province.
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