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Noh Alam Shah Will Join Deltras Sidoarjo

Monday, August 22, 2011

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SIDOARJO | timurOnline - Forward from Singapore, Noh Alam Shah will certainly join the Deltras Sidoarjo, to prepare for professional competitions Liga Indonesia 2011/2012. Deltras manager, Yudha Primary, said it had reached an agreement with a contract value of these former players Arema Indonesia. "The draft contract has been our principle handed and he agreed to join Deltras. Live signature of the contract, "he said.

He said the process of negotiating with players who familiarly called Along it, not too complicated because it happened Along interested also join "The Lobster" which dealt with German coach, Peter Jorg Steinebrunner. "He himself volunteered to coach, to be able to join us live and follow his desire. Incidentally, Along and Peter Jörg never together in the League of Singapore, "added Yudha.

Noh Alam Shah privileged Deltras join because without going through the selection process as other foreign players. The plan, will go practice Along Deltras premiere on Tuesday (23 / 8), after completing administrative problems with his old club Arema Indonesia.

After getting Along, said Yudha, Deltras management is still looking for another foreign player for the team's needs. Currently, there are two foreign players who have been following the selection Lakkaad Abdelhadi, Kevin Yann and Danilo Fernando. In addition, Claudio Proneto and Emile Mbamba Bertrand will also be selection.

In the selection of players for three days on September 19 to 21, there are 40 players, including three foreign players who take part. The team coach will still do the selection further, to determine the composition of the best players.
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